Vi flyttar fram Monotype och väljer att ställa in Art Saturday denna gång. Ta hand om er och ge er själva tid att vara kreativa hemma!

Styrelsen för Art in Malakta rf.

We are moving forward Monotype and choose to cancel Art Saturday this time. Take care of yourself and give yourself time to be creative at home!

The Board of Directors of Art in Malakta rf.


You are all invited this Saturday to try the graphic technique “monotype” with the artist Bekim Hasaj.

– A Monotype is a single print made by transferring paint or ink from a smooth surface to paper –

In this workshop, glass and linoleum will be used as matrix, on which you can paint and experience this very expressive technique in a simple way.
So get ready to use brushes, colors and unleash the painter in you to create unique prints.

We are waiting for you from 11:00 to 14:00, save the date and welcome!

fee 5€

Andra lördagen i månaden öppnar Malakta upp dörrarna för alla konstintresserade, små som stora, som vill pröva på olika konstformer. Du kan pyssla i ReDo hörnan eller endast avnjuta en kaffe/te i gemytlig miljö. En materialavgift/deltagaravgift på 5 € för de som vill delta uppbärs på plats. Välkommen!

Joka toinen lauantaina kuukaudessa Malakta avaa ovensa kaikille taiteesta kiinnostuneille, niin pienille kuin suurillekin, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita kokeilemaan eri taidemuotoja. Voit askarrella ReDo nurkkauksessa tai vain nauttia kahvista/teestä leppoisassa ilmapiirissä. Työpajaan osallistujat maksavat 5 € materiaali / osallistumismaksun paikan päällä. Tervetuloa!

Every second saturday of the month Malakta will open its doors for everyone interested in the arts. Younger and older participants, who want to try out different art forms, are welcome. You can do crafts in the ReDo corner, or just enjoy a cup of coffee / tea in a cosy atmosphere. Those who want to participate in the workshop pay a 5€ material / participation fee upon arrival. Welcome!